Shadow Fight Wiki

Anon421 Anon421 2 October 2020

Game Script: Full Moon Riddles

This is the script for the Full Moon Riddles event.

(The beginning dialogues)

Fangirl: Finally, I found you! You won't believe who I met at the festival! The flaming spirit, Midnight Lotus himself appeared before me! And he told me a riddle...

Fangirl: He also told me that I wouldn't solve this riddle without you! Because you've seen alot in your journeys... We'll both see a special show!

Fangirl: If we solve all his riddles, Lotus will show us his true form... He will give me some lucky magical mooncakes! Please, help!

Fangirl: You need to fight special opponents to find out possible answers to the riddle! And I'll figure out which answer is correct!

(If you tries to fight Lotus before defeating the other opponents first)

Fangirl: Wait. You need…

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Anon421 Anon421 28 September 2020

Set List and Distribution

This guide was created because I noticed people keep missing items from a set and it's already too late by the time they realize it. In order to balance the reward pool and chance of obtaining items, some items inside the Packs and Chests are replaced by new ones when you enter a new chapter. They will be archived, so to say. And that's it, the reason for someone missing an item or two from the set (or even the whole set...) is because they completed a chapter without collecting the items first, and by the time they reach the next chapter, said items are archived already.

If you want to be nitpicky though, archived items may appear randomly in Store, and they can be obtained from Archive Packs and Archive Chests, so they are not entirely m…

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Anon421 Anon421 14 July 2019

Small Hints About New Weapons in Chapter 7 Part 2(?)

So, I was checking Nekki's facebook page, when I came across one of their post about their Cascadeur engine. Long story short, I found some interesting pics of the rendered animations of some weapons, two of which are completely foreign (in the context of SF3). You can check the code names for the weapon renders on the top left of the images.

Glaive-Knives. You can see that this weapon animation is stored inside some folder named "agl". Agl is the in-game code name for everything associated with Dynasty.

Titan's Desolator. Or as named here, Shadow's Giant Sword. The wielder depicted in this image is so familiar with certain someone we know as well.

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Anon421 Anon421 1 May 2019

Sentinel's Set and Typhoon of Spirits Review: Avenge Yourself

Shadow Fight 2 has been rewritten completely in the new Unity engine. This new update brings along many contents. Among them are the new raid boss Drakaina, Karcer's fix (you may fought him as a naked Shadow instead of a fast, hungry ghoul), new sound effect of sword swish, save game feature, lags and constant crash and many more. In this blog, I will specifically talk about the new Sentinel's Set and its Mythical enchantment, Typhoon of Spirits. I decided to make this blog to enlighten everyone regarding the new set and its enchantment, because it's very hard to find anything out there that show you how this set looks like or how the enchantment truly works, in english. It's not surprising, there's a good reason for that, which you'll find out…

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