Shadow Fight Wiki
Shadow Fight Wiki

Don't cross the director! is a special weapon in Shadow Fight 2. It is the weapon of the Director Set. Two-handed Blunt is heavy and slow, but its attacks deal high damage, and has medium range. This weapon wielded by Architect, main boss of the event.

This weapon is obtainable through the Battle Pass during Halloween event 2022, by purchase Premium Pass to unlock VIP rewards.

Attack Overview[]

Disclaimer: The preview below uses Two-handed Mace as the weapon. Since both weapon are Two-handed blunt, they share the exact same moveset, with the only difference is being the design.

Move Name Power How to Perform Combo
Two-handed Stance Start of Fight
Two-handed Weapon Slash 12Base damage Punch
Two-handed Weapon Double Slash 12Base damage
8Base damage
Punch, Punch
Two-handed Weapon Strong Slash 20Base damage Forward+Punch
Two-handed Blunt Super Slash 10Base damage
10Base damage
15Base damage
Forward+Punch, Punch
Two-handed Weapon Low Slash 12Base damage Down+Punch
Two-handed Weapon Spinning Slash 17Base damage Backward+Punch
Two-handed Blunt Upper Slash 16Base damage Up+Punch

Director Set[]

All the items of the Director Set have Plot Twist mythical enchantment. It is necessary to collect the full set to unlock the enchantment. Once all the item set collected, Plot Twist will be available and the player can enchant other equipment with enchantment.

Weapon Armor Helm Ranged Weapons Magic
Weapon mouthpiece
Armor shattered glass
Helm camera
Ranged bobine
Magic mass bomb2
Don't cross the director! Fourth Wall Lights, camera, action! Film Damage Smoke and mirrors
Hit the enemy with magic. You'll see what happens.


  • Don't cross the director! is a phrase in the world of cinema, where no one is allowed to pass in front of the director.