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Shadow Fight Wiki

The Devotion is a weapon obtained as a new year gift by Nekki in Shadow Fight 2. Players who logged in from December 31st, 2022 to an unspecified date received this weapon along with 100 gems. This weapon has the same moveset from the unobtainable Sawblade one-handed sword wielded by the ghost Mephisto and the fighter Emerald.


Attack Overview[]

The Devotion, being one of the one-handed sword type weapons, features high speed swings which is fast and covers good range, and hard slashes after stepping forward which is slightly slower, but deals high damage and covers an incredible amount of distance. The weapon is weak up close, making it suitable for punishing opponent mistakes and distancing the opponent with its speedy swings and long range forward pivot slashes.

Its multi-hit attacks deal massive damage but goes for a long period of time, which can lead to easy counters if whiffed. Therefore the user must be careful when attacking with those moves to not leave themselves open for a punish.

Move Name Power How to Perform Combo
One-handed Sword Stance - Start of Fight
One-handed Sword Slash 8Base damage Punch
One-handed Sword Double Slash 8Base damage
8Base damage
8Base damage
Punch, Punch
One-handed Sword Heavy Slash 15Base damage Forward + Punch
One-handed Sword Strong Slash 15Base damage
10Base damage
6Base damage
6Base damage
Forward + Punch, Punch
One-handed Sword Spinning Slash 11Base damage Backward + Punch
One-handed Sword Upper Slash 11Base damage Up + Punch
One-handed Sword Low Slash 8Base damage Down + Punch


  • The Devotion is the first One-handed Sword to be obtained by the players, with the second being the Neutron Howl.
  • Oddly enough, the Devotion initially made the Sawblade's sound. It was because its weapon type was initially exclusive to the Sawblade. This was fixed in v2.25.0. and the Devotion now makes swishing sounds.
  • The Devotion is currently the longest one handed sword in the game, slightly surpassing the Sawblade.