Shadow Fight Wiki

In Shadow Fight, players were able to earn collectibles and use them to complete collections. Collections could be found in the Inventory. Completing collections rewarded the player with gold and EXP. There were 7 types of collections the players could complete.

How to Receive a Collectible[]

Collectibles could be earned when a player completed a Today's Quest. Players could also open a chest to earn collectibles. Another way was by finishing battles. Players could complete battles and earn collectibles as a random battle drop.

Trading Collectibles

Players could also earn their desired collectible by trading collectibles with their friends who played the game as well. Clicking on the collections button at their character profile would show the player the collectibles that a friend had. Clicking on the collectible allowed the player to ask to receive that collectible but it was required that they select a collectible of their own to be used in exchange. The notification was sent to that friend and, if they accepted, the player received the collectible.


Fan Collection

The collectibles for the Fan Collection were the most commonly receivable collectibles. Therefore, the reward for completing a set of fans was also the lowest, being 50 EXP and 20 Gold.


Umbrella Collection

The collectibles for the Umbrella Collection were common receivable collectibles. The rewards for completing a set of umbrellas were 70 EXP and 30 Gold.


Bonsai Collection

The collectibles for the Bonsai Collection were common receivable collectibles. The rewards for completing a set of umbrella were 120 EXP and 50 Gold. 


Kite Collection

The collectibles for the Kite Collection were uncommon receivable collectibles. The rewards for completing a set of kites were 120 EXP and 70 Gold.

Kite Collection

Geisha Collection

The collectibles for the Geisha Collection were uncommon receivable collectibles. The rewards for completing a set of geishas were 300 EXP and 150 Gold.

Geisha Collection

Collection of Chinese Ideographs

The collectibles for the Collection of Chinese ideographs were rare receivable collectibles. The rewards for completing a set of Chinese ideographs were 500 EXP and 250 Gold.

Collection of chinese ideographs

Lantern Collection

The collectibles for the Lantern Collection were rare receivable collectibles. The rewards for completing a set of lanterns were 700 EXP and 350 Gold.

Lantern Collection

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Bosses    Demons

Modes of Play

Weapons    Collections    Techniques    Silhouettes
Shop    Clan    Dan    Inventory

Experience    Reputation    Glory    Energy    Currencies
