Shadow Fight Wiki
Shadow Fight Wiki

Blaster Tonfas are a pair of super weapons unlocked at level 46 in Shadow Fight 2. They are the last weapons unlocked at the chapter 1 of Act VII: Revelation, along with Fretsaw. Blaster Tonfas' super slash fires two energy projectiles, which works similar to most ranged weapons but has higher damage, and can be blocked. The super slash is not categorized as any weapon, ranged weapon or magic; thus, it does not follow any enchantments on any piece of equipment used.

Blaster Tonfas are used by Cronos and May.


Character hyperion

Cronos depicted with Blaster Tonfas.

Attack Overview[]

Move Name Power How to Perform Combo
Tonfa Stance Start of Fight
Tonfa Slash 8Base damage Punch
Tonfa Double Slash 8Base damage
8Base damage
Punch, Punch
Tonfa Strong Slash 10Base damage Forward+Punch
Blasters Shot 10Base damage Forward+Punch, Punch
Tonfa Spinning Slash 12Base damage Backward+Punch
Tonfa Upper Slash 12Base damage Up+Punch
Tonfa Low Slash 12Base damage Down+Punch


  • The Blaster Tonfas' super slash only does one hit, despite firing 2 projectiles.
  • Blaster Tonfas are one of the four weapons in the game that shoot projectiles as super slash. The other weapons are Cobra's Tooth, Demon Slayer and Plasma Rifle.
  • There used to be a bug that made Blasters Shot hit the enemy regardless of them actually contacting the target or not. This means as long as the shot is fired, the enemy is guaranteed to get hit.